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Our waiting list is based on the date you contacted the winery.
Our policy is to remove clients from the mailing list who do not order for two offerings.
This enables our waiting list clients to join the mailing list. We look forward to offering you an allocation in the near future.
Thank you for your interest in Moyocoyotzin.
Executive Officer
Moyocoyotzin, CEO, Oenologist, Vigneron, Wine Collector and Investor
Moyocoyotzin C.E.O. of Moyocoyotzin
Oenologist "an expert in the fields comprehended by the "Viticulture and Oenology"
Wine Collector and Investor
Moyocoyotzin, a former investment banker,
with a degree from Bocconi University in Milan, founded Moyocoyotzin in 2003, where
she has enjoyed double-digit sales growth, largely attributed to her creative direction,
and her expertise in business and finance.
Moyocoyotzin "she who creates herself" Empowering and Empowerment of woman